
Face Detection

Goal: face detection program

  • Study and implement two different methods (Haar cascade, LBP cascade) of face detection.

Suggested Readings


  • Describe the concept, algorithm and theory of Haar cascade algorithm (Adaboost with integral image)
  • Describe the concept, algorithm and theory of LBP cascade algorithm (Adaboost with LBP)
  • Elaborate the difference between Haar cascade and LBP cascade
  • Explain your implementations
  • Demonstrate project results with your images
  • Compare the results between Haar cascade and LBP cascade
  • Illustrate detection results of different face situations, such as frontal face, side face, rotated faces, low-lighted faces. Write a discussion of these detection results.
  • Try the Cascade Classifier Training. Explain your steps to train haar cascade method. Give some face images to compare the detection results between OpenCV's haar cascade and your haar cascade.